Thanks to reader Marques J. for not only bringing comedian Ant (host of Celebrity Fit Club, judge on Steve Harvey's Big Time) to my attention but also for providing the commentary for this post. Marques writes:
"Yes, we know he's openly gay! Yes he used to be chubby himself at one time! But the real subject we don't know is what's more phonier: ANT's phony laugh routine or the thing on his head?

Is that a rug? Is that some type of miracle of science? Is it the worst-looking kind of hair plugs I ever seen?
We don't know! But in any event, after appearing on a few sitcoms, with a few years of stand-up comedy under his belt and shortly before Celebrity Fit Club even came in session, ANT was already losing his hair by the time the very late '90s/early 2000s came to town.
Here he is on To Tell the Truth in 2001, already losing hair by this point and still slightly chubby.
What all the chunkiness gone, here comes what apparently looks like an odd-looking toupee or plugs, probably toup!
Look at the pic of him with George Takei: notice how the color of the sides of his head do not match the top of head. Can anyone say: "TOUUUU-PEEEE!!!," anyone?

ANT, you might win people with your silly, phony stand-up routines but you deserve an oscar for epic fail in the hair department."

Sounds like reader Marques really dislikes Ant. Or that Ant just gets on his nerves. I don't know much about Ant, but just his name gets on my nerves!