Reader Andrew T. suggested I expose Steven Seagal, and find out with this Lawman looks like without a toupee. Unfortunately, the guy never seems to take it off! However, by looking at pictures from his past, we know that Steven Seagal definitely wears a hairpiece - a very obvious one.
And for those who haven't yet - you must check out his new show on A&E called Steven Seagal: Lawman. Steven spent time working as a deputy sheriff in Jefferson Parish Louisiana. On this show, he spends time letting everyone know how awesome he is. He says great things like: "Some of you may know who I am, and some of you don't. I've been doing martial arts for 40 years, so you can look at me as Steven Seagal, he's a movie star, or you can look at me and say Steven Seagal, he can save my life."
Here's Steven about 15 years ago:

You can see the frontal balding that he is trying so desperately to hide. After years of doing this he found another way. Glue some type of hairpiece to his head. He thinks he's fooling the world, but the only fool is the one who stares back at him when he looks in the mirror.