Thanks to reader Lauri V. for the email on this one. Her email title read: CSI: Bald York. More to come on Gary Sinise's co-stars on CSI: New York. For now let's focus on Gary. Here's a picture of him in June 2008 at the GI Film Festival:

Clearly, he is balding on the front of his head. This shot has a nice shot of the thinner hairs up front, as well as the receding hair line. And if you have seen CSI: New York, then you have noticed how his hair line magically grew, and how his hair mysteriously thickened. Here he is on the show:

And I did a bit more digging into Gary Sinise, and noticed that in his more recent public appearances he seems to be wearing a front piece, perhaps he "borrowed" it from the CSI set.

This picture is from Gary's band, Lt. Dan Band's show on April 17, 2009. About a year after the top picture. Hmmm.