Today is Sylvester Stallone's 63rd birthday. As he gets older, we hope he gets wiser too. To celebrate the wisdom Stallone has already bestowed on us TampaBay.com put together a list of the top 5 lines of wisdom from Stallone movies. They are:
5. "There are no friendly civilians!" (First Blood)
4. "Your body has to be here, but your mind can be anywhere." (Lock Up)
3. "Boy, sometimes charity really hurts!" (Rocky III)
2. "Rambo's a p---y." (Tango & Cash)
1. "Going in one more round when you don't think you can - that's what makes all the difference in your life." (Rocky IV)
There, now don't you feel wiser? I wish the public would get wise to Stallone's scheme - making a career out of making the same movie over and over, but it seems like the public has yet to catch on. It appears a Rambo V is in the works, slated for release in 2011. Possible plot lines involve the VFW, false teeth and complaining about arthritis. Anyone have some funny titles? Rambo: First Toupee. Rambo: First Hip Replacement Part V.