Russell Brand Dishes On Kissing Jennifer Garner And Greta Gerwig

In his movie ‘Arthur,’ Russell Brand had on-screen romances with two actresses: Greta Gerwig and Jennifer Garner. Russell wasn’t shy on dishing about kissing his leading ladies in this interview .
So what was it like to kiss Greta?
“She’s delightful and beautiful and funny and smart and the kind of woman you’d give up a billion dollars for.”I think it’s safe to say Russell likes Greta- LOL. How about Jennifer?
“She’s like a fairy princess. There’s a brand of red-velvet cake, her mouth is made of that. She smashes you in the mouth [in] those kissing scenes. If I was Ben Affleck, man I’d be pissed off.”Flattery all around! Are you interested in seeing ‘Arthur’? I’m keeping an eye out for trailers (I’m really curious about Helen Mirren, who’s also in it). I can see it being funny if it doesn’t veer into being too silly.
John Mayer Needs An Image Makeover
John Mayer Needs An Image Makeover

I’m not sure if John Mayer’s high profile romances with Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston have anything to do with it, or maybe it’s more the whole thing with Taylor Swift because she’s so young. But fans are not at all happy with John and his heart-breaker ways.
“Girls came up and yelled at him, saying he was a horrible person.”And while I don’t know if John has realized that his womanizing is a problem, he wants to change. Well, he at least wants to change how he’s viewed in the public eye.
“Girls asked how he could treat women the way he did. People would tell him exactly what they thought of him.”
He’s looking for “a new team to manage his image,” adds the insider. “He wants to change people’s perspective on him.”The media has a short memory. If he could keep his relationships out of the press for once, maybe he wouldn’t have this problem.