Eric Johnson: Virgo, born September 15, 1979
When Jessica Simpson first hooked up with Eric Johnson it felt like a rebound. Here she was getting over her very public romance with Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo by going out with another hunky football player with less name recognition (and fewer prospects) than her ex.
Jessica Simpson's growing tummy has sparked plenty of baby speculation. (Pacific Coast News) A year and a half later, it's hard to shake that rebound feel from this couple, but with a baby (probably) on the way and a wedding (probably) happening sometime soon, things have gone from really? to real. But how will these two fare in the years to come? Let's look at the stars.
The Good: Simpson has an instinct for good matches. Virgo (Johnson), Taurus (Romo), and Scorpio (Lachey) are all strong potential partners for a Cancer like her. As a Virgo, however, Johnson is uniquely suited to find himself in a relationship with someone more successful and more famous.
Virgo loves to serve in some way in the relationship. This quality isn't necessarily subservient, but they need to feel useful, and Simpson is clearly most comfortable when she's playing the role of Queen Bee. Her sensitive, stubborn Cancer instincts require someone willing to bow to her alpha status. So serve away you hunky jock! She's going to love you for it.
As a couple, Simpson and Johnson are both predisposed to long-term relationships (both have been married), and they both are most comfortable when things are safe and stable. These are two down-to-earth kids whose strongest mutual strength is their ability to make, and tackle, some lofty goals. It makes them ideally suited for raising kids together.
The Bad: Johnson's Virgo nature makes him analytical and plain-spoken. After all, he is ruled by Mercury, messenger of the gods and master of communication. But if Johnson speaks too plainly he's liable to upset his sensitive Cancer lover.
TSimpson must learn that Johnson doesn't mean to be critical when he speaks his mind, he's just giving voice to his observations. Meanwhile Johnson must learn how to listen to, and communicate with, the lady in his life.
In the Stars: Simpson and Johnson aren't the sexiest kind of larger-than-life couple, but they've got a good thing going. While the stars suggest that communication will be their greatest hurdle, it's a safer bet that it will be Simpson's temptation to try and outdo her exes that could drive a wedge between them.
Johnson seems all-too-happy to please his Queen, and if things stay that way we predict these two will find their happily-ever-after together.